Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Social Media Importance of Privacy to me as an Individual - 1100 Words

Social Media: Importance of Privacy to me as an Individual (Essay Sample) Content: TECHNOLOGYNameInstitution AffiliationAccording to (1890 Brandeis,) privacy implies "right to be let alone" Therefore Privacy is rarely lost in one fell swoop. It is usually eroded over time, little bits dissolving almost imperceptibly until we finally begin to notice how much is gone. It forms the basis of the human beings freedom and this therefore implies that loss of privacy leads to loss of freedom. Through having some boundaries in the way information in the social media about us can be accessed, is an aspect which ought to be given more weight than it deserves .Privacy to me creates confidence in the process of my interaction with other human beings therefore. The freedom to privacy of ones personal information at the current century is seriously being eroded .In this regard Our interactions with the world around us can reveal our political and religious beliefs, our desires, sympathies and convictions, and things about ourselves that we arent eve n aware of this might be very wrong to some extended. Hence privacy stands to be an aspect which human beings in general ought to be given an opportunity to exercise.Importance of privacy to me as an individual:Arguing that you dont care about the right to privacy because you have nothing to hide is no different than saying you dont care about free speech because you have nothing to say. Therefore privacy to me is very important in the following ways: (i).It unlashes me from Personal chilling effect: in instances whereby my interaction with other human being is guaranteed to be private, will be free to contact people or even meeting people whom to me are of interest hence in the process I will be in position to exercise my freedom of association. It also helps in making wise decisions on the nature of the activities that will be participating on bearing in mind that my privacy is concerned.Privacy also matters because my economy depends on it. In situations whereby I have to go to the internet to purchase book online it plays key role in my economic status against any forms of fraud as my personal information are safeguarded against computer wizards. Hence harm that might have been caused to me through exposure of my personal information is prevented through security policies. (ii).The scope for infringements upon my human rights can be minimized through privacy, Its clear we human beings are social animals and we cannot be an islands of our own through embracing privacy dangerous our life will be secure to some extent(gross 2005). For example, lack of privacy will expose one to dangerous scenarios like from violent ex-partner, one can find himself in mortal danger by them getting their hands on this much detail about your life. Privacy enables me to identify areas where I can proceed with caution, for instance it becomes very important to share birth dates with caution since they act as the guides on which sites we can visit as there are some site which our age does permit us to visit.Privacy in among the younger population in social media stands to be Avery important aspect which ought to be exercised due the following :(i) I give youths an opportunity to Management their Reputation Privacy enables youths to manage their reputations. This is due to the fact that; how we are judged by others affects our opportunities, friendships, and our overall well-being as human beings. Despite the fact that the younger generation cannot have complete control over their reputations, they must have some ability to protect their reputations from being unfairly harmed. This therefore implies that protecting reputation doesnt depends on protecting against not only falsehoods but also certain truths(ii). It Enhances Freedom of Thought and Speech among the youths.Madden (2013). argues that its important to Ensure there is freedom in the social media among the youths since it stands to be the key to freedom of thought. This will enable youths to have watchful eyes over everything they read or watch since failure to do so can chill them from exploring ideas outside the mainstream. In turn it acts as a key to protection of one from speaking unpopular messages.(iii). It grants youths Ability to Change and Have Second ChancesAs its very clear that youths are not static; this means they change and grow throughout their must be given recognition that there is a great value in the youths ability to have a second chance in their life time this enables them to be able to move beyond a mistake, in whichPrivacy nurtures this ability. Th...